Rain rain go away, come again another day.
I really don't know where exactly my readers are currently located. I, for one am in Australia and if you are also from Oz, you might have realised (well, actually its more of a slap in the face but anyway) it is so freezing cold every single day. Okay. Yes, I agree it is winter right now. But no, I don't agree why that should mean we are stuck wearing boring grey tones and why we should be spending our cash on this season stock when we would hardly be out wearing it. I find that winter is very 'whatever'. At the beginning of the season, I usually find that people dress up quite some bit for the weather. Think Burberry Coats, Balenciaga Cigarette skinny pants, Skivvies etc. But seriously! Have you noticed how this look sort of fizzes out by mid-season? Aka. Now? Well, I have. We tend to dress the same during the day. There really is only so many Winter shirts that I want to wear and there are only so many which I want to get in every effing winter colour. Would you agree? So, I say to sit back in your chair, grab a martini and enjoy the lovely swimwear sales online. I find it more constructive to your day and isn't that what we're always on about anyway? Moving forward and not being stuck in a style rut just because of the weather? Well, that's my belief anyways.
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